Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sign Up Rotator

As what I already promise a day before, this is the free tool to make signup rotator (of course you could use for any other purpose). I take the main structure of the script from Dan Benjamin at, but I change the script so it could be encapsulated on the Javascript that easier to put anywhere on the blog. The courtesy to the main code is belong to Dan Benjamin. I host my script (php script) on my site here :

The display will look like this :

: The random referral uplink will automatically chosen whenever the page refreshed or reloaded.

And the code is here :

To create specific rotating url, you just need to make some ini file like this :
src =
alt = Agloco Sign Up (Aureus)
url =
title = Join Agloco under Aureus

src =
alt = Agloco Sign Up (Ismabera)
url =
title = Join Agloco under Ismabera

src =
alt = Agloco Sign Up (Luca)
url =
title = Join Agloco under Luca

Save it to some place that allow direct linking (ex : and change the code to this :

Notes : Change with the file address url for your ini file.

NOTES : My profile's photo use the same technique to change the photo everytime (random) every refresh :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How To : Promoting Your Network

After a while in Agloco community, I saw so many blog of Agloco spreading around the internet. Most of them is consist of a brief explanation about how 'Good' is Agloco will become a benefactor for their pocket. A few of them are great, which attract more downline to their network, but I could say most of them (80%, 90%, or even 99%? I'm not make a statistical survey for this :) ) are far from enough to look for new downline or even maintenance the network growth. If you want to make your network grows, there are steps that helping you to growth your own network and best of it maintenance it (Best of All, I will tell you how to make it FREE) :
  1. Build a Community Web or Blog that Help Your Network : Maybe you are a great marketer, a good persuader, but mostly people could not do this effectively, and your downline maybe is one of them. Not mention even how to market Agloco, some of them maybe so naive about building a good site for promoting themselves. Your downline is your key, if your downline is as effective as you are, then your network will be grown faster than you work alone. Help them with building a site that explaining about Agloco, and you could put some link of registration from your downline there. A rotator of registration link is a good idea to do this. (I'm on the way making a rotator which you could use for free, remind me :) ! )
  2. Show you are serious, or show your network is serious : Your dedication to tell the people about Agloco, how you market them is some way to show it. But 'Brand' is also important things to do. Try to make your own web address, your own domain, which your mail address come from the same domain. Of course you could buy your own domain like so you will have your own email address like : That's not so expensive, many domain registrar offering from $5 - $10 per year. If you want the free one, you could register your own domain from or and redirect the address to your blog (like this : will redirect you to This domain name come from If you want your own email address from that address (like :, then you could register your free domain at And best of all, using this, you could give away your member the email like :,
  3. Representative & Uptodate Site : Your sites should be more representative and most of it - UpToDate. Most of marketing sites is looks funky, big font, red colour font, and so on. This is not wrong, but will look cheap. Try to make it more simple and strike to the core. sites is simple (even not complete yet). If you host your own blog, then choose the CMS or BLOG software that have many templates (like Joomla or Wordpress), they provided good templates and ease of use. Try to give something new for the network to read. Keep their spirit always up, whenever the release of viewbar is longer than expected like now, keep boosting your spirit of your network with more downline.

Maybe these is not all, but I will update this list whenever I have more idea or You have more idea. Please contact me.

Dynamic DNS for your domain

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Slovenian Agloco Extended Calc

Agloco Extended Calc in Slovenian Language is launched. Thank you to Ismabera for his time and effort translate it. Here is the calculator :

And the code is :

If you like to translate it for me, please tell me, I will really appreciated that.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Agloco Extended Calc Address Update

Look likes the site I used for hosting the script is off, don't know when it's on, so I decided to change to my paid host (before I used free hosting site, which may not reliable). Please update your script with this :

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Adsense Mistake on Many Blog

While I was surfing around the Blog of many Agloco member which I got the address from the comment from official Agloco blog, I notice there are many of them putting adsense on their blog. With AdSense we could got additional income whenever people click on the advertising that displayed on our site. But what I see there, that many people don't put filter on competitor on their adsense setting, so the adsense is putting the 'competitor' link, because many of the Agloco member is using AdWord to put their referral link into google AdSense. This is not wrong, but maybe for some people, they are not realize that they are promoting other Agloco referral member either.
Those who don't like this, should put filter on their AdSense setting to filter the competitor's advertising.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Put Agloco Extended Calc on Your Site

Do you want to add Agloco Extended Calc on your site? If the explanation in my post before is not clear yet, then in here I will try to explaining a little more clear (I Hope).

1. First of all, open your post or make a new post
2. Type the code below somewhere in your post

3. Save your post, and view your blog.
4. If you had difficulty, just ask me or comment here.

Add to Technorati Favorites

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why Agloco is better than Youtube?

What I talk here is about the company profit. Both of the company is rely on advertising for their income, so we could make comparisons of them, and we will know why Agloco is better than YouTube. Let's see about Youtube first, we will see about one year ago, which the condition of the member of YouTube is close to the amount of the Agloco member right now, so the comparison will be easier to judge.

At April 2006, YouTube member is about 12.9 millions of unique user. The bandwidth company usually charge about one penny ($0.01) for every minute of traffic. And YouTube is using a large scale of bandwidth, so probably got a major discount and will paying about 0.1 penny until 0.5 penny per minutes of bandwidth traffic. With the 40 millions of videos and 20 terabytes traffic a day, YouTube is approximately paying almost $1 million each month for the traffic and the payment go through Limelight networks. With 12.9 millions of user, it's a market for advertising. Akamai on that year posted about $11.9 millions for first quarter of the year, and that about $4 millions per month.

Now we see Agloco, the agloco ever stated that it want to reach about 10 millions of user this end of July 2007 (about same with the youtube's members last year), so the advertising will be about the same. Or maybe we just calculated it's about 5/6 of 4 millions = $3.33 milions per month. If we make it only 50% (because Agloco still new), then it's about $1.665 millions per month, and it will be grown to gain market trust, because Agloco advertising is displayed on every sites (because it's pasted on the viewbar, so where ever user going, the browser will display advertising for companies). The bandwidth cost? Gladly you asking this. Could you imagining the bandwidth of transmitting video and image/text based advertising? It's a big difference, one minute of video transmitting maybe taking up about 2 megabytes of traffic, and that amount of traffic already could transmit about 50 - 100 image advertising. So the bandwidth cost for Agloco is merely only about 2% of YouTube. 2% x $1 million = $20k per-month. So the income profit for Agloco is much higher than Youtube.

So we now knowing about Agloco and YouTube comparison, what are that means? That means Agloco is more profit than YouTube and it will lead to higher price on Agloco stock. Higher price on Agloco's stock means the owner of Agloco are richer. Owning Agloco means Owning of the internet is possible. And you know that to own of Agloco cost nothing? Care about it? Join Now.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Free Agloco Banner Part 01

This is my first collection of Agloco Banner. Feel free to use it on your Blog or your sites. Just Link Back me for exchange. For now, I released 3 animated banner (125x125), I will release another banner with another size later


Do you like it? Please vote at : AGLOCO Directory - Top AGLOCO Blogs, Websites & Forums
Not a member yet?

Posting Aglocoway to Agloco Directory

I just recently put this blog to Agloco Directory, hopefully many people will be able to use what I'm putting into this site. I would like to see the Agloco company become the biggest network and the biggest company in the world. Please don't forget to vote this blog :)

You could vote here : AGLOCO Directory - Top AGLOCO Blogs, Websites & Forums
The rules about AglocoDirectory :


This is my new Agloco Calc Extended. It's still in beta state, but working.

As what I already promised to you, finally I could finish this Agloco Calculator. It has extended capability to predict how large your network will grow. It is using traverse the tree from you to your direct referral and continue until specified level you state. Whenever it want to traverse to the next member, it's making a random probability (ratio effectiveness of recruitment for your member), and then decided will continue or not. Enough for chit chat, let you try by your self :)

To use this calc, simply add the basic requirements :
  • Your Browsing Hours per Month
  • Direct Referral : How many is your direct referrals
  • Indirect Maximum Referral per Direct Member (Estimation) : How many did you estimate the recruitment for each member below you
  • Network Level : How deep you want to calculate the network
  • Ratio of Your Network Recruitment Effectiveness (Probability that your referral / indirect referral will continue) : Probability of chance each of your member will become active and recruit another member
  • Number Referral Estimation : This is the result about your network member quantity, no need to change this as it will be calculated automatically
  • Referral Browsing Hours (Estimation) : Specify how much hours each your referral will browsing or surfing the internet using ViewBar
  • Hours Effectiveness Ratio : Ratio of hours (not implemented yet)
  • SHARE RECEIVED ESTIMATION : Estimation of share you will receive per month
  • Per Share Income : Specify how much each share will provide you money (or you could specify the share price whenever it already open market).
  • Monthly Income Estimation : Your Income estimation based on shares.
For example, if you have 3 direct referral, and you estimate that every member under you will recruit another two member, and you want to calculate how much your income will be in one month if the network grow deep into 5 level :
  • Direct Referral : 3
  • Indirect Maximum Referral per Direct Member (Estimation) : 2
  • Network Level : 5
Press Calculate Button, and you will see the result is about : USD 241 per month.

To add this calc, simply copy and paste code below to wherever you want to put in (on your blog/sites) :

<$cript language="JavaScript" src="">< /$cript>

hint : change the $ (dollar sign) to s and delete unnecessary space, then the script will work.
Not join Agloco Yet? Join Now!

Monday, April 9, 2007


I was wondering that so many Agloco websites in internet, and many of them is usually talking about the big opportunity and what is good about Agloco. Honestly I think same with them. But writing the same things over and over again will just make my sites or blog became a "Junk Blog", and if only I just rewrite (or Worst, Copy & Paste), then how could my Blog will help to extend the Agloco network?

So I was decided to try writing some scripts or tools, and I will share that here. So people who have Blog or websites, could use the scripts and use it as a marketing tools besides their beautiful words about Agloco. First I will try to make a little extended version of Agloco Calculator. And maybe another tools.

Have any comment?


Friday, April 6, 2007

Mostly Success "Crazy" Ways To Own Agloco (and gain money from that)

With so highly competitive Agloco member recruitment between Agloco Member, there is absolutely no easy ways to got members under your referrals, and not only difficult ones, but it also not means you will be succeed. If you want to be succeed owning Agloco, there is some way that divided into two categories : Legal and Illegal ! I'm totally NOT RECOMMENDED the ILLEGAL WAY! This is a warning to some people trying to do that illegally, i just could say it isn't impossible, but the bad one gonna be found!!!

Legal Way (Recommended :) )
  1. Contact the Agloco and buy Agloco in Cash and Carry! Maybe now still affordable, not as expensive as that sold $1.65 million. Try now and not regret it, you will own Agloco as soon as you want to. Predicted that July 2007, the Agloco will have about 10,000,000 members, so if one member is 10,000,000 x 5 hours = 50,000,000 shares. It will not cheap to buy that time, buy now while it's still affordable (at least for B.Gates)
  2. If that still not affordable, you could spend about $100,000 to put advertising of your links of signup like this : signup now at Google ad, and your rank will be one of the top most, your referral will be at least entering the Agloco Top Gun. At least this money is only about 6% of value whenever sold to google.
  3. Buy the "shares" or "members" right now while still beta. Open a website, promote it as best as you could, and pay instantly for each member that register under you for example : $5 each! There will be an abundant amount of your Agloco Top Gun is a piece of cake! If you want it more spreading, give a bonus to your downline that owning a good growing network, basically it just making "small" Agloco inside Agloco, but perfect it.
  4. Pay peoples around your neighborhood to make an account and surfing under Viewbar with their own account (of course with your referral). The more you spend the more you got!

Illegal Way (** NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL ** ) - It will not gaining money instead of lost it! Warning : Your account could be suspended or banned (with all your member) and mostly will take you to deal with Law, and you must pay for that!!!

Totally Illegal
(Hard Core)
  1. Hack into Agloco main system server, change all your data as you wanted! Make sure you are smart enough not to make a trace AND most importanly change the data so it looks likes you doing it right. But Agloco teams is master in security, so sooner or later you will be caught! Say goodbye to your account, and prepare Agloco will Sue you Hardly!
  2. SPAM SPAM SPAM!!! Yes, SPAM is the fastest way to gain attention for people to joining, and the fastest way for Agloco management will do something to your account! Your members will gonna hit thousands easily and then get banned!!!!
  3. Download the viewbar, hack it, so it's designing using only some specified ID, put that on some phising sites of Agloco viewbar download. Redirect traffic to there! After some report, just need to say good bye to your account!! And maybe Agloco will sue you!
  4. Make a Agloco Virus or some hijacker, that always redirect many things to Agloco sign-up under your referral. Prepare to say goodbye to your Account too.

(Soft Core)
  1. If you are administrator of IT in a company, just install all viewbar (you make several accounts under different names, your mom, you father, your grandfather, etc), and put that on every workstation, lock it so none of the employee could get rid of that viewbar in ther browser. This is against TOS of Agloco. If they know that (some employee report that), good bye to your account.
  2. If you own a Cybercafe (or administering that) or something (maybe school labs), do nearly same with that point number one, but instead force it make it hide! This against TOS of Agloco. If they know that (the clients found and report), good bye to your account.

Epilogue :
As you can see the Illegal way is a quickest way to gain members or shares BUT it will lead to quick banned or sued! So I recommended using the good way (even crazy) to own Agloco. Or you could try my conservative way, want to try it? Just click this link and sign up! That's the way I earn my Downline and build my network, slow, but loyal and legal! Viva Agloco!


Thursday, April 5, 2007

Viewbar Release Schedule

Agloco Viewbar will be released on this months. But the downloads will be available only for member with ID Prefix BBBB to BBBF first. The rest wil following later. The initial release will be for Windows user first. so the Mac or Linux user must be await a little longer. To accumulate 5 hours per month (10 minutes a day) isn't so hard, so that Mac/Linux user could start their way on the Windows PC first.


This new company looks likes very promising, as they now only running on beta. They based more on community builder (which I believed it was the best way to gain money on every business).
Basically AGLOCOtrying to be different with another company, while other companies using regulations to make the members clicking Ads which their companies receive from its client, this AGLOCOWILL NOT giving you money from Ads.

Agloco is a developing company, they are not selling their stocks on the stocks exchanges, but the member will have their shares. To accumulate shares, the member of AGLOCO just need to surf or browsing as usual with the AGLOCOViewbar™ installed on their browser. The hours of you spent browsing on the Viewbar™ will giving you points/shares in AGLOCO™. Quite easy isn't it.

"You accumulate hours in your account for your use of the Viewbar™ software, up to the maximum monthly hours (which is country-specific). These hours can be convertible into shares of AGLOCO™ stock See below the country specific restrictions on conversion. You can also accumulate hours in your account for the usage of Viewbar™ by your direct referrals and extended referrals. You become eligible for the shares when your account reaches your country's minimum payout limit."

Whenever the regulation of some countries make this not easy to be done, the AGLOCOwill converted the shares into cash, fair enough for me.

Money Gaining
Right now the Viewbaris still in limited beta, but will be public in a short periods. While in beta, the member will got nothing from using the Viewbar™, but they could use this time to gaining community. Right now the AGLOCO is making a regulation that no more than 5 hours per month of using Viewbar will be recorded. And every hours you accumulated each months, you will be given 1 shares, quite fairs isn't it, and not only that, for every hours your refferals (your sub member) got, you will got one quarter shares/hours.

Another Reason To Join AGLOCO
Well if that reason not encourage you to join AGLOCO, then maybe this word is could encouraging you more : FREE. Yes, to join AGLOCO, everyone could joining for free.
And joining AGLOCO is one of the most easiest registration ever made (no kidding), in lesser than 2 minutes (depending on you connection), you will already become the member, and ready to expand the community. Want to see the prove, then try join here, it takes nothing to join, so why don't give it a try.

How much Could I get?
You want to know how much you could get from AGLOCO? You could calculate by yourself. You just need to describe how many direct referral you will get, how many referrals of each your member (average) will get, and estimation of your surfing time. You could check in here.

Join as soon as possible!
Why? Should I answer this question? Okay, besides the many benefits they giving to the member, another important reason is the quicker you join, it means you had more chance to get referrals, if many peoples you know already joining the AGLOCObefore you, then it will be more difficult for you to make them your referrals don't you?
So why waiting longer? You could join at AGLOCO here.
